Monday, September 27, 2004

"Conan O'Brien to Replace Jay Leno in 2009"

Conan O'Brien to Replace Jay Leno in 2009. YIPPEE. There couldn't have been better news. Consie totally deserves this, but I have to wait till '09 to see him in the Tonight chair? Doesn't seem fair. I wonder how his regular characters would fair an hour earlier? Preparation H Raymond anyone? I bet Triumph the Insult Comic Dog would have the time of his life.


ensheathe said...

new layout ah! looks good. :) i've never really liked jay leno, too rude. conan's better. pero 2009?? tanda na tayo nun! hehehe

pht said...

Ariane: thanks. I easily get bored with my blog layouts. So I'm compelled to constantly change it somehow.

Al-Felixzeera: thanks for your comment. I've heard about spybot, but a while ago, I read some bad comments users were posting about it, so that's why I'm hestitant to download it.

I'm just nervous about downloading any new software and especially deleting any adware/spyware because my computer is pretty fragile. I've messed it up before because I've downloaded/deleted files I shouldn't have.