Saturday, October 16, 2004


I like to check out sitemeter to find out how people come about my blog, and a good number of them find their way here via google or yahoo or other search engines. Occasionally, I've noticed that the words people type in on the search engine that brings them to my blog are misspelled. Let me list some of the misspelled words:

*old Poloroids
*Presidental Debate
*Sping 2005

This discovery is totally disorienting and most of all, EMBARRASSING. It goes to show how much I spell check everything. I thought I did a pretty decent job, but when a couple of mistakes show through it doesn't make up for all the perfect prose I've written. (A perfect prose being a joke.) And it bothers me a great deal. I feel like a fool because I don't discover it until someone searches for a misspelled word. And you know what, the list just keeps growing.


pht said...

Spam. I'm deleting you.

robert d said...

The magick is always in the doing.

Snapping out,


PS - And whatever you do never check out the archives.