Sunday, November 21, 2004


Sex and the Suburbs -- Desperate Housewives. Um, I think the Newsweek people just revealed major plot points WITHOUT ANY WARNING. Damn you, Newsweek. (The article is dated Nov. 29) At the end of the article they wrote,
Will any show be able to top the scene last week where Gabrielle's suspicious mother-in-law snaps a picture of her and her lawn boy toy in the sack, only to be run over in the middle of Wisteria Lane by Bree's drunken son? And it gets only better.
I think they DID revealed major plot. All that happened in THIS WEEK'S episode.

Without spilling the beans too much, we can tell you that this week, the show takes a truly dark turn. We find out who sent that threatening note—"I know what you did. It makes me sick. I'm going to tell"—to Mary Alice, and why. Also, a regular character gets strangled to death in his/her own kitchen. And the one woman you'd never expect to become a new mother is contemplating getting pregnant. "We're not negotiating my uterus!" she tells her baby-hungry man.
THIS WEEK we didn't get to find out who wanted a baby (I bet it's Gabrielle) although we did find out that Edie (No you didn't! Edie) maybe sent the note to Mary Alice. And we definitely didn't see anyone get strangled in her own kitchen, but I'm guessing it's Edie again because we know that Paul wants who ever did send the note DEAD -- $10,000 dead.

Best line of the night: "Sometimes, EVIL drives a MINI VAN." Take note, everyone.

Turning Brawny Action Drama Into Sensitive Soap Opera -- A profile on J.J. Abrams, the genius behind ALIAS and LOST. Must read. On a related note, I saw the ALIAS preview, and it made me very happy :) And I only use smilies when I am extremely happy.

The Mountain. I didn't watch any of it, but I tuned in to just see JAMES MARSTERS. And I'd like to report that he's still HOT even without the bleached hair.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I saw the promos! I saw the promos! I'm excited! I'm excited! It airs in two weeks.

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