Thursday, January 27, 2005

Reading Log: Bangkok 8

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Finished reading around Sunday 23.

-- Illuminated my understanding of Thai cultural life more, i.e. the sex industry. With all that I've heard (not seen), I think it's pretty accurate.
-- I didn't understand the Buddhist 'arhat (?)' thing even though I was raised a Buddhist. I think it amounts to the difference between life the life and studying about it. Like this whole weird Richard Gere notion of Buddhism people generally have. Weird. I didn't learn the Buddhist terms; I just lived them if you follow me.
-- I was a little confused at the end. I wasn't quite sure I understood how the ending unfolded in the way the author intended. I think I know, but there was some leeway there. I mean, I thought I knew, but it kind of freaked me out.
-- In the beginning I was griped with the mystery, but since I'm not 100% sure (only about 75-90% sure) what happened to that guy at the end, I was left unsatisfied.
-- Liked the main character and his contradictions. That was well done.

B to B+
[I'm going to try a rating system. I hesitate because I'm terrible at these sorts of things--awareness and perception of what makes something good, enjoyable, or worthy.]

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