Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Rejoice, ugly people!

So if ugly is a birthright, then fugly is a choice -- one that more and more people seem to be making. [Salon]
Wow. So it's come to this now. It's not enough to be just damn ugly anymore, there's a higher level—you can be extra ugly now. I suppose all the ugly people can breath a sigh of relief. Ha Ha. They can say. At least I'm not fugly. I'm just plain ugly.

And how appropriate is it that they choose Britney Spear's picture as an example of fugly. She's been in spunk lately.

P.S. I really liked that article. Great read for no other reason than I have nothing better to do than read about celebrities and their fugliness. Plus, for those who hate Uggs, good news: it's considered (gasp) fugly!

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