Monday, April 25, 2005

i hate crappy people in schmancy fancy cars who drive fast in the rain, splashing a wall of water on me

It was raining like crap today, complete with thunder and lightening. It only rains like this when I have to go somewhere—only when I have to walk to class or run an errand. .

Seriously, my jeans were getting wetter and wetter. The umbrella didn't help.

So I was walking back along a sidewalk and a rush of water was coming down that way, right next to the sidewalk.

This one "dude" (I don't know if the person is male or female) driving a 'fancy schmancy' car speeds by and gushes a bunch of water on me. Stupid jerk. It’s always people who think they're all that, driving around in their ridiculously expensive car.

The guy behind that 'dude' didn't drive so close to the curb where all the water was running down. At least he was considerate and realized that when cars drive on water, it splashes people walking on the sidewalk.

Do you know what I think?

Karma's a bitch, dude.