I redesigned. It's a combination of my old style with a new background/base. It's a synthesis of two blogger design templates. I think those familiar with blogger templates can guess the two.
I'm quite happy with it. It was a couple of hours of frustrating huhs and gods, but I'm glad I did it. I used to resign regularly, and that kept me verse in the design language. I'm no expert in HTML/CSS at all. I can't code from scratch, but I can change a few things here and there in the blogger templates, and that's the extent of my expertise.
I wish I were more verse in web design. I bet I could create a kick ass design. Alas, it's not to be. I bet if I really concentrated and read through a bunch of HTML/CSS related info, of which there is an abundance on the web, I would learn leaps and bounds. That's got to go on some Do To List.