Friday, August 06, 2004

check on third sex

To stay in touch with news in Thailand, I signed up for the BKK Post and the Nation. While signing up with the Nation, I had to fill in the usual info like name, age, and nickname. But then came time for me to fill in my sex, and instead of the usual two options--male or female--this Thai newspaper (probably aware of the country's situation as a leader in sex exchange operations and haven for katoeys) included a third option: "not sure."

Ha. The interesting thing is that I found another example of the "not sure" choice. However, this time, over at it's "undecided."

Very interesting. Maybe it's common for there to be a third choice, but I've never come across this before, or rather, I've never really noticed these things before.

It just shows that I need to be more observant and aware.

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