Friday, August 06, 2004

WOT: Missed TV

This is my first post about TV in 2 months. I've come back to find that the Amazing Race is on (yeah). Haven't watched it yet, but I plan on catching it before it goes off air.

The Restaurant Reruns. Lately, Rocco has been acting like an ass, and I don't think he can blame it all on editing.

Miss Teen USA. I've always loved beauty pageants no matter how degrogotory they may be to women.

Miss Louisiana did a terrible job at answering the question, and she still won? Awww. . .I like Miss Hawaii; I thought she was pretty. Plus, she's from Hawaii. Hawaii produces beautiful people.

I wonder, who is that guy that escorts the ladies off stage. Is it the same guy every time?

The Jury. Pretty interesting concept. At first, I almost believed that it was a real jury deliberation. I'd like to watch this further.

Amish in the City. Who's who? I don't get it, yet. But what is pretty obvious is that the producers picked 5 good-looking Amish and 6 good-looking City people. Probably with the hope that someone will hook up.

And the Olympics is in ONE WEEK. Note to self: Must learn how to spell "Olympics" without the spell check.

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