Wednesday, November 10, 2004

looking because you can take pictures

I never looked up at the sky. Not really. I never noticed a lot of the flowers in my backyard. Not really. I never really notice lines, textures, or colors. Not really. Not until I got my camera, looked into the lens, and press the shutter button. None of those things mattered to me before.

Now when I see something like a cloud, a rose, or a coffee mug, I can't help but think, "Would that make a good photograph?"

I stop, pause, and look closer and longer at things that went unnoticed before I discovered photography. I don't mean serious art photography. It's a more natural form of photography. The documentation of your own life, world, and space kind of accessible photography that anyone and everyone can relate to. I love it. I want to immerse myself in more of it. I can't get enough of it. I want to become better. I want to take more pictures.

In some small way, photography, my digital camera, and the Internet has giving some small meaning to these past months. Without it, I would have completely been lost. I'm not some lazy, lost, disoriented bum who can't make a solid decision to save her life.

I'm a blogger. I'm a photoblogger.
And that is totally cool.


North said...

i can so relate with this post. i bring along my digicam wherever i go. when i feel like taking a pic of whatever subject i fancy, i shoot. now i'm experimenting on sepia tones.

pht said...

I have a sepia option on my camera, and the photos come out pretty cool when I have used it.