Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Lost. No! Not the creepy Ethan OMG. This show knows how to create TENSION. TENSION. My god. See I taped it, and the tape cut out at the exact moment Ethan's standing there and Charlie asks him "Where is Jack?" And then the scene cuts to creepy, sinister looking Ethan standing there with that creepy, sinister look in his face. I'm still not over it yet. My heart was pounding...the noooooooooo slowly let out of my mouth. Oh, I'm calling that weird, creepy, and sinister guy Ethan even though he gave a different name to the census collecting guy although I doubt either of these are his real names.

I don't know what is the deal with Claire and the creepy and sinister psychic. That part flew right by. Probably has something to do with Ethan wanting Claire's baby.

I forgot to mention Sawyer and the sunglasses. Sawyer and the sunglasses...and the dimples...

The Amazing Race. OMG again, this time for the world's biggest IKEA store! Let me repeat that: WORLD's BIGGEST IKEA store. whowza!

Gilmore Girls
. Luke's Dark days turned out to be nothing. And the mini rift between Luke and Lorelai over his Dark days turned out to be nothing as well. How disappointing. Rory's tour guiding skills sucks. Paris and the newspaper editor guy: GREATNESS.

(I'm so over the Apprentice. So over.)

1 comment:

ensheathe said...

sigh! i don't have time to watch TV anymore, i missed the season opener of the amazing race so i don't like to watch the remaining episodes. i don't even have a couple to root for. i missed a lot of SATC's season 6. haay, work nga naman. hehe